Fergus Trivia Friday! Go to River City Auto's Facebook page.(1) River City Auto Inc. | Facebook Every Friday we will have Fergus Falls history questions. The winner will get a prize from a local business. In the case of multiple winners then their names will go into a drawing to pick the winner. There will be one winner per week. We encourage you to reach out to friends and family for the answers! These might be hard to Google.
Friday Sep 30, 2022
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM CDT
Every Friday starting May 6th.
River City Auto's Facebook page. (1) River City Auto Inc. | Facebook
Printed courtesy of www.fergusfalls.com/ – Contact the Fergus Falls Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
202 South Court Street, Fergus Falls, MN 56537 – (218) 736-6951 – chamber@fergusfalls.com