Fergus Falls Area Chamber of Commerce serves as the lead advocate and resource for our members and creates partnerships that foster a healthy business climate. Questions asked of candidates for the "Meet the Candidates" will focus on issues that impact our business community. The event is FREE and open to the general public. Audience members will have time at the end of the event to meet candidates individually.
Meet the Candidates for Mayor and Wards 3 & 4 September 24
The following candidates are running for office and have been invited to participate:
Fergus Falls Mayor: Anthony Hicks & Scott Kvamme
Fergus Falls City Council Ward 3: Nate Kunde & Mike Mortenson
Fergus Falls City Council Ward 4: Laurel Kilde
Moderated by Dave Bishop, News Director with Leighton Media.
The Candidate Forum Policy of the Fergus Falls Area Chamber of Commerce states: The Chamber may elect to host a candidate forum(s) during an election year. Forums may be held for offices at the city, county, school board, state or federal level. Candidates who have filed with the City of Fergus Falls, Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls School District or Secretary of State’s office and whose names will be published on the official ballot will be invited to participate in the forum(s). The forum will be held whether or not all/any candidates have confirmed their participation. The forum is for the candidates running for the Fergus Falls City offices who have met the criteria.
We will follow a "Question & Answer" format. Each candidate will have up to 90 seconds to respond to each question. We will rotate the order in which the questions are answered. This is not a debate. Questions will not be taken from the audience, and respectful behavior is appreciated. No signs/posters will be allowed at this event.
Meet the Candidates will be recorded by PEG Access and broadcasted live on KBRF AM 1250 and on the Fergus Now app.
Printed courtesy of www.fergusfalls.com/ – Contact the Fergus Falls Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
202 South Court Street, Fergus Falls, MN 56537 – (218) 736-6951 – chamber@fergusfalls.com