Otter Tail County

County GovernmentGovernmentHuman Service OrganizationsSocial Services
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
About Us
Otter Tail County is comprised of five divisions: Community Services, Finance Services, Internal Services, Land Services, Public Works, County Attorney Office, and County Sheriff Office. The divisions, under the leadership of the County Administrator, consist of departments that carry out a wide range of services from caring for veterans to plowing roads and public safety. Otter Tail County has a variety of communities all unique in their own way.
Otter Tail County is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners. Along with Commissioners from each of the five districts, the County Attorney, Sheriff, Auditor/Treasurer and Recorder are elected by the citizens of Otter Tail County. Advisory Boards, Commissions, Councils and External Committees serve to provide input to County leadership. First and foremost, Otter Tail County serves its citizens.
Video Media

Finance Director
Support Enforcement Aide

Otter Tail County Housing Summit
- The Housing Summit will share progress of Otter Tail County's Big Build housing growth and investment initiative.
- Wednesday May 14, 2025