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WCI Announces Spring 2025 Grants

West Central Initiative has announced its Spring 2025 Grant Round.
Sustainability, equity, and civic engagement are vital for a healthy, resilient region. With that in mind, WCI created these three grant opportunity areas:
Sustainability Grants will support community-led projects and nonprofits with a focus on sustainability and climate action. 
Equity Grants will support organizations working to make our region more equitable by supporting historically marginalized populations. 
Civic Engagement Grants will support nonpartisan organizations that bring about social change, cultivate local leadership, provide community education on government and other civic systems, and encourage participation in public meetings. 
While there is intersectionality in this work, to simplify that application process, organizations can complete one application that covers multiple focus areas. Only one application will be accepted per organization.
Grants will range from $3,000 to $25,000. However, most grants will range from $3,000 to $10,000.
Grant dollars can’t be used to cover expenses incurred prior to grant approval or for religious activities, lobbying, or political activities.   
Requests can be for either general operating expenses or for a specific project or program. Events with long-term impact may be considered. General operating support is most likely to be awarded to an organization that has an established presence and several years of activity in their community. 
Applications are now open and the application deadline is Monday, March 24.
To be eligible for West Central Initiative Grants, your organization must: 

  • Be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, public or nonprofit school, or unit of government (including Tribal government or division) or must be fiscally sponsored by another organization with this status.
  • Serve people in West Central Initiative’s geography, which includes nine counties: Becker, Clay, Douglas, Grant, Otter Tail, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, and Wilkin and White Earth Nation.
Funds managed by West Central Initiative are not eligible at this time.

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